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What is Communion?

Writer: Charonda HuffCharonda Huff

The Eucharist, also commonly known in our Christian setting as Holy Communion, is one of two sacraments we practiced in our denomination, The African Methodist Episcopal Church. As we weather the storm of the Covid 19 pandemic, many are asking the question, “How will they receive communion?”

First let us review what communion is and the biblical reference associated with this sacrament. I have chosen to utilize a definition found in Wikipedia.

The Eucharist

First, “the Eucharist (/ˈjuːkərɪst/; also called Holy Communion or the Lord's Supper among other names) is a Christian rite that is considered a sacrament in most churches, and as an ordinance in others. According to the New Testament, the rite was instituted by Jesus Christ during the Last Supper; giving his disciples bread and wine during a Passover meal, Jesus commanded his disciples to "do this in memory of me" while referring to the bread as "my body" and the cup of wine as "the new covenant in my blood". Through the eucharistic celebration Christians remember both Christ's sacrifice of himself on the cross and his commission of the apostles at the Last Supper. The elements of the Eucharist, sacramental bread (leavened or unleavened) and sacramental wine (or grape juice), are consecrated on an altar (or a communion table) and consumed thereafter. Communicants, those who consume the elements, may speak of "receiving the Eucharist" as well as "celebrating the Eucharist". Christians generally recognize a special presence of Christ in this rite, though they differ about exactly how, where, and when Christ is present. (Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

Biblical Basis

“The Last Supper appears in all three Synoptic Gospels: Matthew, Mark, and Luke. It also is found in the First Epistle to the Corinthians, which suggests how early Christians celebrated what Paul the Apostle called the Lord's Supper. Although the Gospel of John does not reference the Last Supper explicitly, some argue that it contains theological allusions to the early Christian celebration of the Eucharist, especially in the chapter 6 Bread of Life Discourse but also in other passages.” From (Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

We do not as some denomination believe in transubstantiation.

“Transubstantiation means the change of the whole substance of bread into the substance of the Body of Christ and of the whole substance of wine into the substance of his Blood. This change is brought about in the eucharistic prayer through the efficacy of the word of Christ and by the action of the Holy Spirit.” (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

How Will They Recieve Communion?

During this period as we weather the storm of the Covid 19 pandemic, we must remember Jesus is not in the bread or the wine (grape juice) but we commune and fellowship in our hearts our relationship with Jesus Christ, our Lord and resien savior. “How will they receive communion?” Simply by remembering Christ died for all of our sins and those of the whole world that we might have eternal life!



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